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Nice concept and gameplay loop. Wishlisted on steam, looking forward for the release.)

(2 edits)

Challenges Updated

You Can Use Any Character

1. Cursed Shield: Get The Cursed Shield Before Beating The Game

2. 3 Lives: Use 2 Athelases In One Run Then Beat The Game

3. Trash Combo: Equip The Ring Of Vitality AND The Cursed Shield In One Run Then Lose (if you some how beat this challenge then i will give you my indie game idea and you don't have to credit me (you can credit only if you want to)

4. The Ring Master: Equip One Of The Following

  • Ring Of Vitality
  • Ring Of Courage
  • Ring Of Greed

After Equipping All Rings Beat The Game

5. Mega Character: Equip All Of The Following

  • Apple
  • Map
  • Monster Eye
  • Invisibility Cloak
  • Ring Of Vitality
  • Emerald
  • Shiny Shield

And Then Beat The Game

6. Healthy Diet: Have All Of The Following Equipped

  • Apple
  • Carrot
  • Omelette

And Beat The Game

7.  Mr. Rich: Get 10,000+ Gold (you can see how much gold you have in the top right)

8. Gem Collecter: Have All Of The Following Gems

  • Ruby
  • Emerald
  • Amethyst

Then Beat The Game Without Losing Any Gems

9. Gold-less: Beat The Game Without Touching Gold (golden chests are ok since you don't bring them)

10. Eggful: Beat The Game While Having 5 Omelettes

11. Hard Mode: Grab One Or More Of Each

  • Ring Of Greed
  • Cursed Shield
  • Skull
  • Rotten Meat
  • Fossil

Then Beat The Game

12. True Coinless: Have 5 Rings Of Greed Before Beating The Game

13. No-Hit: Don't Lose Any HP

14. Speed: Only Attack First (Don't Let The Enemies attack you)

15. True No-Hit: Don't Lose Any HP AND Attack First

Reply To Me If You Can't Do A Challenge

(1 edit)

Is this version the same as the demo? I can't access steam, but want to play the most recent version.

Hey there! The demo for the full game is only available on Steam sadly, but the final game will also release on :)

Thanks for the reply! I'm sorry to hear that tho,  I guess I'll have to wait :D

Unity game?





(2 edits) (+1)

I played this game a  year ago and loved it but it won't load anymore, guess I'll just wait for the steam release

That’s weird - what browser are you using to play?

google chrome

ohhhhhh, it was my cookies


Great game! Really enjoyed playing it.

things I'd love to see :
 Fast mode -> faster animations once I know what stuff does, 
 keyboard controls. Dragging with the mouse got old quick. 

especially cause it's only a choice of left, right or up. seems like keyboard (or swiping  -if you're targeting mobile- ) would be a great fit. 

Very similar to this game on android
(except the direction being only forward)

hope the steam release goes well! 




won with stealth with 1 hp at the end o_0. Fun game!

Thank you! I am starting a Kickstarter tomorrow for Forward, you can check it out here!


Took about 30 minutes of experimenting, but I finally won out with being stealthy. Incredibly engaging game, i'll be sure to wish list it on steam!

Well done ;) if you’re interested a Kickstarter for Forward is starting tomorrow! Here’s a preview link (don’t forget to follow!)


Just WOW! This is amazing. How simple and fun at the same time. Instantly added to wishlist. Good luck!

Thank you <3 Follow me on Twitter (@twotinydice) to follow the news ;)

how do i get my items from inventory

the effects are passive

(1 edit) (+1)

If you need an italian translator I'm happy to help


Thank you! Add me on Twitter @twotinydice :) I might be interested!


I played 5-6 times (in most of them I died on the last monster or near him) before my first and the only victory.

+ incredibly engaging

+ enjoyable

+ really good sfx

+ nice-looking graphics

Game is really replayability, there are a lot of items/mechanics, so you can play every time in different ways, every run is unique.

I think there are few little bugs, but they are not ruining the game.

I didn't remember what gold was for, but when I won, I realised that it is for unlocking new champs/volunteers, so I can play more and more...

Overall, I played about 1,5h and unlocked all heros.

PS I joined Steam Playtest

Hello there, pleased to hear the experience was good! How has the playtest been so far?

Unfortunately, I couldn't check out playtest option, because I attended in game jam last weekend and now I don't have much spare time too. So it may be postponed, but I think, I will give you a notice when I try playtest ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

One of the most challenging things, if you are playing for the first time, is not being able to see what the items do. Incidentally, I was playing on a small device and I wasn't able to see the description in the top left about what the items did so I ended up on my first few runs having my game basically thrown when I picked items like "Skull". I think you should add a mode (or something in the next game) where you can't see the items you're taking nor what value they have.

For example, instead of specifying Omelette, Apple, Carrot, or Rotten Meat, it would just say "Food." This means that a) your whole strategy could get blown apart by one item and b) you could get a potentially negative item - so you have to weigh it carefully.

Other ideas:
"Ring" - Protection, Vitality, Courage, Greed
"Shield" - Don't know the value, or it could be things like Cursed Shield, Rusty Shield, or Shiny Shield.
"Health Potion" - Don't know the value, and it could be things like Rotten Meat
"Monster Parts" - Monster Eye, Monster Scales, Skull

So yeah, all in all I think this would be a great mechanic.

Hello there! I am pleased to confidently say that problem has been fixed in the upcoming game :) Have you checked out the Steam page? Interesting idea however there are maybe too many items in the final game for this to be viable i think

That's great to hear!  (That it's been fixed, I mean.) Although, I will say it was pretty fun to play picking blind. Sad to hear that it can't be viable but I appreciate the consideration. Great game, keep up the good work!


The ideas and concepts for this game is phenomenal. The idea of only being able to move forward, and using what's available to make it to the end.

If you ever need some music for this game, let me know.

Job well done Chris.

Thank you very much :) I am working with a musician already but thank you for offering! You should check the Steam page for the complete version if you’ve liked this game! and wishlist?

(1 edit)

challenges for the people that are waiting for steam release

Edit1: challenge 5 is possible

1. Cursed Shield: Get The Cursed Shield Before You Go To Another Level After That Beat The Game

2. 3 Lives: Use 2 Athelases In One Run Then Beat The Game

3. Trash Combo: Equip The Ring Of Vitality AND The Cursed Shield In One Run Then Lose (if you some how win then i will give you permanent 5+ Luck in all games)

4. The Ring Master: Equip One Of The Following

  • Ring Of Vitality
  • Ring Of Courage
  • Ring Of Greed

After Equipping All Rings Beat The Game

5. Mega Character: Equip All Of The Following

  • Apple
  • Map
  • Monster Eye
  • Invisibility Cloak
  • Ring Of Vitality
  • Emerald
  • Shiny Shield

And Then Beat The Game

6. Healthy Diet: Have All Of The Following Equipped

  • Apple
  • Carrot
  • Omelette

And Beat The Game

7.  Mr. Rich: Get 10,000+ Gold (you can see how much gold you have in the top right)

8. Gem Collecter: Have All Of The Following Gems

  • Ruby
  • Emerald
  • Amethyst

Then Beat The Game

9. Gold-less: Beat The Game Without Touching Gold (golden chests are ok since you don't bring them)

10. Eggful: Beat The Game While Having 5 Omelettes

Reply To Me If You Think A Challenge Is Impossible

Hi TheRealAskz, I am so happy to see how much you’ve thought about the game! Send me a message on Twitter (@twotinydice) and I will add you to the closed beta taking place very soon.


wuts twitter

little bird

(1 edit) (+1)

i dont have that but thanks for the offer tho maybe you can out me in credits for ideas for challenges idk

I got to a big boss after getting the cursed shield, thank god I had the leaf of undying.


I feel like I was lied to: when I finish a fight with cursed shield and the ring of courage I dont get 5 shield... the last thing that could make cursed shield a viable pick doesnt work

Hi there, this version is far from perfect :) That’s why I’ve been working on a complete game for some time now! Here is the trailer! What do you think?

Looks nice, thou that transition from cinematic to gameplay feels a little awkward.

Deleted post

Thank you !

(1 edit) (+1)

Such a simple yet addictive game. Good job! HOWEVER! The game does need some balancing. I died through basically no fault of my own because an entire half-level spawned with nothing but monsters and mercilessly took out all my health before the end. Unavoidable.

Hey ! If you liked this version you’ll definitely want to check out my Steam page for the full version I’ve been working on :) I’d be really happy to receive your feedback !


Just did, but unfortunately the fold has not opened yet so I can't really provide any feedback.


i kinda wish i could make personal mods

Game with amazing mechanics love it!
If you free to answer which game engine did you used ?


Great game! Would love to see it expanded with more mechanics and art stylization for each zone


Hey Ben ! I am pleased to announce that I have expanded on the game and will be releasing a real version in 2022, the game is now on Steam for wishlist :) I’d love to hear your feedback on the trailer !

(1 edit)

awesome I’ll check it out

Looks good overall. The part where you're demonstrating some of the various actions.. right after the character is attacked by that Beholder looking thing, is presented with three items, and is shown a victory screen.. it's all very quick. There's a board shown, the Whirlwind card pops up, the text comes out from a mosaic blur and says "cast powerful spells".. all within like 2 seconds.

The pacing of the "tons of items to unlock" and "KEEP GOING FORWARD" section at the end is better.


I L o v e this game!

Does the Ring of Greed do anything, other than make you take damage when you get gold?

litteraly JUST saw this in game before i read this lol

Awww RIP!

probably no


ooooh shiny ring


I loved! Awesome art and gameplay :D

Thank you ! Have you seen that I now have a Steam for a complete release in 2022 ?

(1 edit)

I love this game but all of a sudden It wont work can someone help me please ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

What do you mean by "It won't work"?

when I hit run game it just shows a dark navy screen

Not sure what the problem is, sorry.


Simple and fun concept with a small amount of progression (three unlockable classes).  Love the art and sounds.  Not too much math.  I'm not sure what to do with gold after unlocking all three.  With a little balancing, this could be something!  For example, why do you only get omelettes if you let the monsters attack you instead of for attacking monsters directly?  It's a lose-lose.  A lot of the items seem useless or downright bad.  Sometimes, chests roll all cursed items and you lose the run because you opened a chest which feels bad.  Thanks for making this and good luck!

Hey ! I’ve taken into account your feedback for my full version of the game ! I’ve taken care to balance the items in particular.

If you want to check the trailer:

Thank you for the support :)

feels kinda like Slay the Spire


Love using Enyra

(1 edit)

It won't load it's just stuck at the begging, the game won't start :(


its weird how sometimes the chest are sometimes filled with cursed-like objects. but when you dont get those, its fun

A bug is that with the ring of vitality in the demon wing still gives you a sheilf

no any item that gives shields will no matter what give you a shield even if you have the ring of vitality because the ring of vitality only affects picked up shields

Game doesn't function

kinda bummed that the ring of courage and the cursed shield don't synergize, with those two you should get 5 shields every time you fight. 

Oh yeah i was thinking the same thing


does the map DO anything?


Good game great graphics and controls.Also are you planning to make this a payed game?


Yes! Currently working on it. It will be released on Steam, itch, iOS and Android.

The Steam page is up and running ! Hope you like it :)


Looks cool!Can't wait to see how the new characters and envirorments work


Love this game! Want to play more! haha.

I see that your are continue the development of it. So I look forward to it ;)

Thank you for the support ! I’ve just published the Steam page and there’s a cool trailer :)

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